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Kaley Hancock

I’m a hobby enthusiast, walking jukebox, experience chaser, and to-do list maker. I am obsessed with Jesus, peanut butter, making people laugh, storytelling, coffee, and my four pets. I am a certified Life Coach and missionary with a Master’s degree in Psychology. My purpose as a coach is to serve others by restoring hope in people’s lives, allowing them to live more in the present while finding clarity for their future. I use the Clifton Strengths assessment as a tool to help clients increase self-awareness about their values, needs, and motivations so that they can implement these in everyday life, from how they communicate with living out their purpose.

I inspire people to dream, grow in emotional intelligence, and create goals they are actually passionate about, in an environment where they can be their authentic, genuine selves. I reignite the joy in the journey of taking ownership in creating your life’s legacy.